Thursday, October 25, 2007

Distractions and realities

Training's going pretty well over here in Cambridge. Fall decided it wanted to show up yesterday, leaving us with rain last night and a beautiful, chilly day today. We rocked some threshold intervals in the cemetery - Anna, Katie, Audrey, Tannis, Meri, Anne, and Chris did 3x10 skating, while Alyssa ran hers and I did 3x12. All in all not a bad turnout. We're missing Anders, but one can infer from his write up that he may be avoiding the skis for a few days.

The main point of this post is to take note of some of the things currently distracting me from my training, namely the World Series. Last night my beloved Red Sox posted up the highest run total for a game 1 in the history of the fall classic. Amazing. Apologies to those of you from Colorado (Trevs), but the Rockies don't stand a chance.

Also, I had a rude awakening this morning that I'm actually still enrolled in class. Not the most subtle way for life to say "hey, jackass, keep your nose to the academic grindstone," but it got the point across. Don't let the little things slip, either in training or the classroom. Writing a shitty paper is just as useless as a shitty workout and will probably stress you out even more (unless you're a senior, and then you've got a host of other things to worry about).

Keep the rubber side down,

-- OAB

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