Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Incoming Freshman :)

Hey! So I'm Tannis Thorlakson and it looks like I'll be joining an interesting group of skiers next year on the Harvard Team! I never thought that my knowledge of raptors could come into play at Harvard, but it sounds like you guys have a lot of bird troubles :) Anyways, I'll be representing the Pacific Northwest along with Katie, I'm from the Methow Valley, WA.

I finally thought that I had some post worthy news after my local team's training camp, when Beckie Scott AND Torin Koos came to our camp to rollerski with us and chat it up. I don't think I'll ever meet a more wonderful, humble Olympic gold medalist in my life! That has definitely been the highlight of my summer training, now I'm simply trying to survive the heat while working as a gardener (a nice name for weed puller) and training. Look forward to the fall!


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