When you just don't seem to haaave as much to lose?
Strange how the night moves.
With autumn closin' in.
Woke last night to the sound of thunder.
How far off I sat and wondered.
Started humming a song from 1962.
Well, actually, I woke this morning to the sound of Lawinewaffen, or avalanche cannons, blasting the peaks behind my dorm. We are in the midst of a monster storm and finally the snow has reached the valley. All the glaciers are on hold for this morning due to 2 fresh meters and high winds.
Looorddd I remember!
Training goes well. I did yesterday what I hope will be my last rollerski workout for the season, 20x30 second sprints on the bike path, a la classic. It was raining. So it goes.
Waiting on the notice from the glaciers, they should announce at 10 if anything will open.
Last week was surprisingly academically rather busy. Two geological excursions to several local valleys to observe the effects of Bergsturtzen, landslides, in the Tirol region. Very interesting. Also had a 20 minute presentation on trees in western Canada and the effects of the mountain pine beetle, for my Vegetation der Alpen plant class.
Super lame. Sorry to bore you with my such trivial stories. I now plan on forfeiting all academic obligations for the next 26 days to ski all the time.
Audrey and I spoke recently about how euro I've actually become. I replied to her that I recently purchased a jean jacket at a mall and spend more time prancing around my apartment naked than I ever did in the states. I do, however, listen to WOKO, New England's BIIIIGGG country station, daily.
To quote Andy Moore, "My apologies". This is by far the worst blog post I've sired onto this website.
Das Schnee kommt und ich bin bereit.

When you just don't seem to haaave as much to lose!
Strange how the night moves.
My apologies,
~Andy Moore
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