Hey team. Tonight after class I headed out to the train station with my classic boards ready for day two in Seefeld. Upon arrival to the train station, a 3 minute bike ride from my Studentenhaus, I'm walking toward the train with my boards in hand. This woman runs over with a pet carrier and asks if I'm going to Seefeld. I say yes and she starts talking about this free bus. So yeah, she walks me to a free bus and asks me if I come from Sweeden. I say no, New York. She insists that my German sounds Swedish. Then she asked why on Earth I came to Innsbruck from New York. I just pointed at my skis, now covered with the falling snow, and got on the bus.

The night loop, as you can see, is quite cool. They have 5k of terrain lit with big streetlights. Perfect for a 50 minute warmup, 10x1 min sprints w. equal rest and a 5 minute recovery dash to catch the train back home. They picked up 70 fresh centimeters of new snow since yesterday and now have 262k of skiable trails. On a side note, the jump hill will be ready tomorrow and I'm thinking about borrowing some equipment. Wish me luck.
Over and out.
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