Lend me your ears:
After weeks of continuous rain and tenuous cloud cover teasing us with the promise of blue sky someday, the weather has finally broken and it is summer in Montana. I have spent the past month roaming the pine-wooded mountains and swimming in its cool ponds. Everything is so green here and it feels impossible to stay inside with the sun luring now me out at every chance.
I have been teaching boot camp as a personal trainer 3 mornings a week. It's been a rewarding experience, but also an interesting one trying to direct someone else's training besides my own. Most days I am up around 5 to make boot camp at 6:15, before hustling to training at 8. I nap, have lunch and hit afternoon training, then dinner and flop into bed exhausted. In honor of the recent sunshine, I cutoff all (but a stripe) of my hair:

Disturbingly similar in our many perfect attributes: I know. It's pretty much been a perfect summer here. The lack of schoolwork has relaxed me completely and my lack of responsibilities and obligations have me feeling like a young kid again. I forgot how much I love summer training. We have a large group of athletes training with us this summer and it's good to have some fast guys to chase through the forest. I stepped right back into Dragan's European eccentricities, but it's been priceless training in the Big Sky again for a while.
Akeo and I have been training with our high school teammates here. Mainly OD runs and rollerskis, but we've been hittin' the gym and gettin' ripped too. Coach Hess would be proud. I hope... I didn't really realize how much the elevation change was gonna suck, but I figured it out about 3km into a 10km running race just after getting home. So note-to-future-self: ease into elevation after a year at sea level.
Clare Miller swept through town on Tuesday night and we got a chance to go out for ice-cream, living it up on the longest day of the year! I hope that all is well, wherever you are and whatever adventure you are on!
From the Big Blue Sky Country,

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