On to more interesting topics I recently watched Public Enemies and it was pretty good. I enjoyed it. It was really really amusing because some woman brought her like 3 year old kid to see the movie. I figured she might leave after the first scene where some guy gets his head smashed in, but she didn't. She continued to watch with her little child and even commented, "don't worry, he's gonna get shot." It was interesting. She finally left when he had to pee.

I've also taken up playing disc golf on occassion. It is a good time except for the small fact that I kinda suck. Its a really good excuse to go out in the back woods of Maine and throw a frisbee with some funny funny rednecks.
I have also found that roller skiing on crowned roads really really sucks as my wheels are not higher than the crown.
That's all I got for now. I'll try to update if anything interesting happens.
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