Today's day number of the year: 354, baby.
Number mintues trained on 354th day of year: 204
Number of 1 minute lev 5 sprints on day 354: 10
Number of Leberkäse sandwiches consumed for lunch after: 2. (Leberkäse is liver-cheese)
Number of delicious fruit/whey drinks consumed with lunch: 2
Rank of whey protein in terms of biological value (abililty to be absorbed as by organism and used to initiate new protein synthesis), as compared to other proteins: 1. Writing a paper on it, right now. How lame.
Number of reindeer farms spotted in New Leutasch while on 2 hour recovery ski: 1
"TOTAL NUMBER OF DEERS": 8. 6 babies, 2 adult DEERS. Counted using patended "Buck-Hunter" Deer counting algorithm.
Minutes wasted fooling around on the blog this afternoon: ...Not willing to disclose.
Days until the Sugarbush Tri-Dream Team continues its quest for world domination: That depends on if Nabel misses his flight or not, but could be as little as 7.

Happy holidays and a safe new year, team. See some of you quite soon and all the rest soon thereafter!
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