- Road bike
- Rollerski crap
- All the warm layers you can find
- Bread
- Nutella
- 4 Dark Dog drinks, 2 for €1 at the M Preis
- No map/ minimal advance planning
- The weather must start out cloudy, then turn to 'cold steel rain'.
- Scout out prime terrain for rollerski time trial while on road bike ride. Make brief note of the landmarks, but not ongoing construction projects.
- Wake up at 7, make the 3 egg omelet w bread and nutella, down at least 2 Dark Dogs before you leave at 9, strap crap to backpack.
- Ride 1:50 from Innsbruck to Terfens: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=terfens+austria&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=30.819956,59.765625&ie=UTF8&ll=47.3351,11.642761&spn=0.102841,0.233459&z=12&iwloc=addr&om=1
- Get lost in massive Big-Dig ish train tunnel dig in Fritzens (see map). Notice that no massive construction projects in Austria are fenced off, marked, policed. Ride road bike on gravel road with massive dump trucks. Nobody seems to care.
- Get to Terfens, lock bike to a tree, change clothes behind a bus stop.
- 20 min warmup.
- 2x up the hill from Terfens to Gandenwald. 23:51 and 24:14, slip twice in slippery cow shit.
- Hitchhike back to Terfens twice, first car that stops, both time. First trip = old couple, the husband insisted that his wife hold my poles, which were covered with mucus. Second trip was in a construction truck with three dudes my age. We talked about Bode Miller and then they offered me a beer which I politely declined.
- Ride back to Innsbruck, 1:40. Bonk hard 30 minutes from town. Regret consuming 6 Dark Dog energy beverages.
- Fall asleep, in full gear, covered in mud, miss class, post on blog.
Good workout for anyone looking to blow off all commitments from 10 until 4. Incredibly fun until about 2:30. Make sure to bring warm clothes. Do not regret lack of planning when lost in Austria's largest construction zone with rollerskis on backpack. Make sure to bring more food than originally deemed necessary (see planning phase). For those worried about hitchhiking, don't worry. I worried about it at the end of my first trip up the hill, but relaxed when the old man swerved over and insisted that his jangled wife hold my poles.
Serve chilled. Detrimental to academics, commitments, caffeine levels.
No photos, worried about the camera getting stolen, so here are some stock photos. Go with Christ.
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