At 11 I had the one bad part of my day: a midterm in my US foreign relations course. I'd missed the review session so I was a bit anxious that my studying hadn't been adequate, but I think it went okay.
After I handed in my midterm I took off on my bike for Boston Common to catch the Red Sox victory parade. The Dropkick Murphys (one of my favorite bands from waaaaaay back - I saw them for the first time in the 6th grade) were playing on a flatbed truck and I was not gonna miss that, class or not. I met up with Audrey, Anna, and Meri on Tremont Street and after some waiting, the parade finally made it to us. The Dropkicks did not disappoint, stopping in front of us to play "State of Massachusetts" with Jonathon Papelbon going nuts on broom guitar. Then I hauled ass back to campus to go to a 2 o'clock class.
To cap the day I "treated" myself by heading over to Boston to see one of my other (newer) favorite bands, Rogue Wave, play at the Paradise. I saw them last year in Cambridge on a whim and it ended up being a great show, so I didn't plan on missing tonight, even though I couldn't convince anyone to go with me. The band was in great spirits and despite my exhaustion (I've been up since 7:15), I really enjoyed myself. I think everyone else thought I was sorta creepy because I was leaning against the bar, alone, singing along with every song.
Great training, great music, great weather, and now what should be great sleep. If the rest of the fall is like this, I'll be a happy kid. Except for the 3 mile Airdyne sprint on the docket for tomorrow morning.
-- OAB