Wednesday, August 15, 2007

On injury, training, and fashion

The other day I toasted (read: sprained) my ankle doing a threshold workout on the Van Ho ski trails. It sucked big time. As most of you returning skiers/my sister will know, I have ankles about as strong as rubber bands. After taking Saturday/Sunday off (hardest 2 days of the summer, hands down), I was back at it Monday. Training has looked like this:

Monday: 2:00 DP
Tuesday: 2:30 skate roll
Wednesday: 2:45 classic roll

Not bad hours, but I'm not stable enough to lift or do intensity yet, which is a bummer. Not sure what I'll do tomorrow, but I'll figure it out. Maybe some steady state skating. I should be good for that.

Anyway, last night it rained, which brings me to the last part of my post: fashion. Normally when I wake up and it's sorta chilly, I immediately spring for the Scando look (i.e. training in tights and no shirt). Anna, in all her infinite wisdom and kindness, has taken to ripping on me for this, as if it were a fashion faux pas.

Well, Schlutz, yesterday I thumbed my nose at the ski-fashion-world and wore *gasp* basketball shorts during my OD. To be specific, they were basketball shorts that me, Andy, Chris, Dave, and Anna bought at the dollar store in Bennington, VT (Anna also got the deal of the century on Tampax, so keep that in mind when we head to Williams, ladies). If I may say so, I looked pretty baller flaunting convention and going for the Chris Webber look (props to the Fab Five). It was almost as cool as sophomore year when I insisted on going to the weight room wearing Harvard tights and a bandanna.

Keep it thug,

-- O

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